
目前显示的是 三月, 2020的博文

Purchase Considerations Of Railway

There are many types of  railway track fasteners , and the rails are a representative one. The selection of the rails requires special attention. What should be paid attention to? In the selection process, we must first pick a more formal manufacturer, so the quality is more secure. Because the rail is not an ordinary product, it needs absolute quality clearance, you should have the opportunity to watch the production workshop, see if the production process is strictly controlled, the material and process are regular, and then decide whether to buy this product. Optimistic about the manufacturer, then look at the finished product, whether the surface of the rail is clean and smooth, there should be no defects such as cracks, crusting, scratches, etc. the end face must not have shrinkage marks and interlayers. The extent of the defects allowed in the overall surface of the light and heavy rail and the amount of its geometry shall not exceed the standard. Regular rails should be s

Classification Of GB Standard Steel Rails

The  GB standard steel rail  is divided into high-quality carbon rails, alloy rails and full field heat treatment rails according to the materials selected. 1. High-quality carbon rail mainly has carbon and manganese elements to improve strength and improve toughness. Sulfur and phosphorus content are controlled below 0.030%, and the main grades are U74 and U71Mn. 2. The alloy rail is based on the carbon rail, adding appropriate alloying elements such as V, Ti, Cr, Mo, etc. to improve the strength and toughness of the rail. The alloy rails in China are RE-Nb rails, RE-Cr rails and V-Ti rail, the main brands are U76RENB, U75V, U76CrRE. 3. The full-length heat-treated rail is mainly the heat treatment process of the above two rails for heating and controlling cooling of the plain rail, improving the internal structure, refining the crystal grains, and forming the pearlite structure, thereby obtaining high strength and high toughness of the rail. We are  steel  rail supplier , we

How To Control The Asymmetry Of The Heavy Rail Joint?

Along with the progress of social economic growth, all kinds of steel products have captured the attention of this current market, the existence of heavy rail is that the typical steel merchandise, is the key product, which has brought great concern of the society from all walks of existence, of heavy rail joint control requirement of this phase error, want to know the following specific knowledge simple customers friend. Artificial laid  heavy steel rail , in order to decrease the number of railroad sawing, dealing with 500 m within the scope of the tool rail online for gauging, matching use, so as to prevent joint phase fault phenomenon of quantity to transcend bidding, if there's an actual construction issue, can be confirmed by the onsite technical employees, document, take railroad sawing, drilling to solve. When mechanical railing paving, the curve section adjusts the joint phase error by adjusting the internal and external railing seam, i.e., the internal rail seam decr

Two Ways to Connect Light Rail Joints

Light Steel Rail  as a whole engineering structure, the track is laid on the subgrade, plays a guiding role in train operation, and directly bears the huge pressure of rolling stock and its load. Under the action of the train's driving power, its various components must have sufficient strength and stability to ensure that the train runs safely, smoothly and uninterrupted at the maximum speed specified. Light Steel Rail The type of light rail rail is expressed in kilograms per metre of rail mass. There are several  Heavy Steel Rails  used on Chinese railways such as 75kg / m, 60kg / m, 50kg / m, 43kg / m, and 38kg / m. The cross-sectional shape of the rail adopts an I-shaped cross-section with the best bending resistance performance. It has a rail head, 43G, 50G, 60G rail cross-section diagrams, a rail waist and a rail bottom. In order to make the rail better withstand the forces from all aspects and ensure the necessary strength conditions, the rail should have sufficie

Heavy Rail Needs Strengthening Maintenance

The type of  Heavy Steel Rail  is expressed in kilograms of mass per meter of rail. There are several types of steel rails used in China's railways, such as 75kg / m, 60kg / m, 50kg / m, 43kg / m, and 38kg / m. The cross-sectional shape of the rail adopts an I-shaped cross-section with the best bending resistance performance, which is composed of a rail head, a rail waist and a rail bottom. In order to make the rail better withstand the forces from all aspects and ensure the necessary strength conditions, the rail should have sufficient height, its head and bottom should have sufficient area and height, and the waist and bottom should not be too thin. Among the above types of rails, production of 38kg / m rails has been stopped, 60kg / m, 50kg / m rails are laid on main trunk lines, and 43kg / m rails are generally laid on station lines and special lines. For heavy-load railways and railways in particularly busy sections, 75kg / m steel rails are laid. In addition, in order to mee

Wave-shaped Wear Of Crane Rails

Crane Rail  wear mainly refers to the side wear and wave wear of steel rails on small radius curves. As for vertical abrasion, it is normal under normal circumstances, which increases with the increase of axle weight and total passing weight. The improper setting of the track geometry position will accelerate the vertical wear rate. This is to be prevented and can be solved by adjusting the track geometry. The following is a detailed introduction by  Steel Rail Supplier . Crane Rail Side abrasion occurs on the outer-stranded rail of the small-radius curve, which is one of the main types of damage on the curve now. When the train runs on a curve, the friction and sliding of the wheel and rail are the root causes of side wear of the outer rail. When a train passes through a small radius curve, two-point contact between the wheel and rail usually occurs, and the side wear occurs at this time. The size of the side abrasion can be expressed by the product of the guiding force

Daily Maintenance And Maintenance Of The Track

In China, heavy rail and light rail are classified as two independent varieties. The specifications of steel rails (except crane rails or crane rails) are expressed in kg / m, such as 18kg / m, 50kg / m, and so on. Rails weighing less than or equal to 30 kg per metre belong to light rails, and rails weighing more than 30 kg per metre belong to  Heavy Steel Rail . To withstand the pressure and impact load of locomotive and vehicle, the rail must have sufficient strength, hardness and toughness, and good welding performance. The rails are also divided into three levels according to the difference in tensile strength. There are three types of ordinary rails, wear-resistant rails and special-grade rails. Various track maintenance operations to ensure that the track is in good condition and allow the train to run safely, smoothly, and uninterrupted at the prescribed speed. Also called road maintenance. It includes renewal and repair of the track to restore the performance of each compo