What Is Rail Wear?

Rails are the main components of railway tracks. Its function is to guide the wheels of the rolling stock to advance, to withstand the tremendous pressure of the wheels, and to pass to the sleepers. Rails must provide a continuous, smooth and least resistant rolling surface for the wheel. In an electrified railway or automatic occlusion section, the rail can also serve as a track circuit. Rails can be divided into Steel Crane Rail, heavy rails and light rails in kilograms per square meter. Rail wear mainly refers to the side wear and wave wear of the rail on a small radius curve. As for vertical wear, it is normal in general, and increases with the increase of the axle weight and the total weight. Improper setting of the track geometry will increase the vertical wear rate, which is to be prevented by adjusting the track geometry.

43kg Heavy Rail

43kg Heavy Rail

So what are the main types of rail wear? The Crane Rail Suppliers will come to tell you.

(1) Side wear
Side wear occurs on the outer strand of the small radius curve and is one of the main types of damage on the curve. When the train runs on the curve, the friction and sliding of the wheel rail is the root cause of the side rail grinding. When the train passes a small radius curve, there will usually be two points of contact between the wheel and the rail, and the side grinding occurs most. The size of the side grinding can be expressed by the product of the guiding force and the impact angle, that is, the wear factor. Improve the conditions of the train passing curve, such as the use of wear-type wheel treads, the use of radial bogies, etc. will reduce the rate of side grinding.

From the perspective of engineering, the material of the rail should be improved, and wear-resistant rails should be used. For example, the high-hard-earth rail has a wear resistance of about 2 times that of a common rail and a quenching rail of more than 1 time.

Strengthen the maintenance and repair, set the appropriate gauge, the outer rail super high and the rail bottom slope, increase the flexibility of the line, apply oil on the side of the rail, etc., can reduce the side wear effect.

(2) Wave wear
Wavy wear refers to the wave-like uneven wear on the top surface of the rail, which is essentially a wave-shaped crush. Wave grinding will cause high wheel-rail dynamics, accelerate damage to rolling stock and rail components, and increase maintenance and repair costs. In addition, the train's severe vibration will make passengers uncomfortable. In severe cases, it will also threaten driving safety. origin of. Some freight lines in China have experienced serious waves. Its development speed is faster than side grinding, which is the main reason for the change of rail.

The wave grinding mainly occurs on heavy-duty transportation lines, especially on coal transportation and transportation lines. It also occurs in different degrees on high-speed high-speed passenger lines, and is also common in urban subways. There are many factors affecting the development of rail wave grinding, which involve many aspects such as rail material, line and machine conditions. The dynamic effect is the external cause of the formation of the rail wave, and the material properties of the rail are the internal factors of the wave grinding. In fact, it is quite difficult to summarize all the causes of rail wave grinding by analyzing only one aspect. It is necessary to use vehicles and tracks as a system to study the formation of various vibrations and conduct multi-faceted and multidisciplinary research on the whole. In order to grasp the full picture of the cause of the wave.

Polishing rails is now the most effective way to eliminate wave grinding. In addition, there are some measures to slow down the development of wave grinding: use continuous welding to eliminate rail joints and improve track smoothness; improve the material of rails with high-strength wear-resistant rails, improve the quality of heat treatment process, eliminate residual stress of rails; improve track quality Improve the elasticity of the track and make the longitudinal and transverse elasticity continuous and uniform; keep the curve direction straight, the ultra-high setting is reasonable, the outer rail working side is oiled; the wheel-rail system should have sufficient resistance.

The above are several manifestations of rail wear. Are you clear? If you still don't understand, you can contact us. We are a professional 43kg Heavy Rail Manufacturer. Welcome everyone to consult.



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