Technical Requirements Of The Elastic Clip Fastening System

Here is Rail Accessories Manufacturer talking about Technical requirements of the elastic clip fastening system.
Technical requirements of the elastic clip fastening system

An ideal elastic fastening system should be able to meet the following requirements:
Rail Clip
Elastic Rail Clip fastening system should provide sufficient elasticity to absorb the vibrations and shocks caused by moving loads.
Elastic clip fastening should have adequate toe load which should not reduce under service.
Elastic clip fastening should be of “fit and forget” type to require the least maintenance.
Elastic clip fastening should be of the type that it can be used and reused without losing its properties.
Elastic clip fastening should have as few parts as possible, which are easy to be manufactured, laid and maintained.
Elastic clip fastening should be of the type that it cannot be taken out and as such is free from sabotage or theft.
Elastic clip fastening should be of the universal type so that it can be used on wooden, steel or concrete sleepers.
The last and most important point is elastic clip fastening should be cheap and have a long service life.



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