
目前显示的是 十二月, 2018的博文

Do You Know The Importance Of Steel Track?

Heavy steel rail , steel rail are the main components of railway tracks. They are constantly under heavy pressure on the wheels. At the same time, they must provide continuous, smooth and least resistant rolling surfaces for the wheels. The rail is rolled by carbon calming steel smelted in an open hearth furnace and an oxygen converter. Its purpose to withstand the operating pressure and impact load of the rolling stock. The railway is my important transportation line. The railway transportation capacity is large and the price is affordable. It is the choice of many people. To choose high-quality products, carefully choose to ensure the quality of the rails, which is also indirectly to protect the personal safety of passengers, giving passengers a safe journey. Rail requirements for high-speed railways: 1. It is required to have high wear resistance and high strength. 2. To have good fatigue resistance, especially good contact fatigue resistance, in addition to high strength

What Is The Wavy Wear Of Heavy Rails?

The  heavy steel rail  wavy wear refers to the wavy uneven wear on the top surface of the rail, which is essentially a wave-shaped crush. Wave grinding will cause high wheel-rail dynamics, accelerate damage to rolling stock and rail components, and increase maintenance and repair costs. In addition, the train's severe vibration will make passengers uncomfortable. In severe cases, it will also threaten driving safety. Its development speed is faster than side grinding, which is the main reason for the change in rail. Wave milling can be divided into the short wave and long wave. The corrugation is a periodic irregularity with a wavelength of about 50 to 100mm and an amplitude of 0.1 to 0.4mm; a long wave is a periodic irregularity with a wavelength of 100 mm or more and 3000 mm or less and an amplitude of 2 mm or less. The wave grinding mainly occurs on heavy-duty transportation lines, especially in coal transportation and transportation lines. It also occurs in different degre

Knowledge of Heavy Steel Rail

The function of the  heavy steel rail  is to directly bear the weight of the train and its load transmitted by the wheel and to guide the running direction of the train. Such a huge pressure first falls on the shoulders of the rails. It can be seen that the rails must have sufficient strength, stability and wear resistance. The type and strength of the rail are expressed in kg/m. The heavier the mass per meter of rail, the greater the load it bears. The world's first railway has a rail of 18kg/m, and the heaviest rail in the United States weighs 77kg/m. Generally, in order to improve the passage capacity of the line, the railway industry is gradually phasing out small weight rails, and the main lines are generally laid with heavy rails of 60kg/m or 75kg/m. The rails of high-speed rail, motor trains and most trains are made of high-manganese steel. High manganese steel is hard and very wear resistant. Even if the rails are replaced by rust and wear, they are good materials for

Classification Of Steel Rail

The rails are divided into railway rails, light rails, conductive rails and crane rails according to the Chinese National Standards and the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. (1) Railway rails Low alloy rails have been developed on the basis of carbon steel rails. The high carbon low alloy steel rail has higher strength than the carbon steel rail and has better wear resistance, pressure resistance, brittle fracture resistance and fatigue fracture resistance. Railway rails are available in 38, 43, 50, 60, and 75kg/m. (2)  Light steel rail Mainly used in mining and forestry, its varieties are 5, 8, 11, 15, 18, 24kg/m. The light rail is mainly made of carbon steel and a small part is made of low alloy steel. Light rails used in mines, underground and forest areas require corrosion resistance. For this purpose, an appropriate amount of alloying elements such as copper, chromium, phosphorus and vanadium are added to the steel. (3) Conductor rail Rails used for the conduction o

Which Accessories Are Included In The Railway Accessories?

There are many types of  railway track fasteners , which are roughly divided into three categories of accessories, each of which has its own special existence. The first is the  railway track  connection fittings, one is the connecting fittings of the same side rails, and the other is the connecting fittings between the parallel rails. Commonly used connecting components between parallel rails are gauge rods, gauge feet, and other link accessories. The general gauge pull rod is a common rail connection accessory in railway fittings. In special cases, an insulated gauge rod is required. The splint is an indispensable accessory in the railway track connection and is used for the connection between the rail and the rail. The second is the railway track products, one is the  GB standard steel rail , and the other is the large-sized ballasts and cores in the railway track. The laying of railway rails in railway transportation is the basic configuration and appears in the laying and ins

Classification Of GB Standard Steel Rails

The  GB standard steel rail  is divided into high-quality carbon rails, alloy rails and full field heat treatment rails according to the materials selected. 1. High-quality carbon rail mainly has carbon and manganese elements to improve strength and improve toughness. Sulfur and phosphorus content are controlled below 0.030%, and the main grades are U74 and U71Mn. 2. The alloy rail is based on the carbon rail, adding appropriate alloying elements such as V, Ti, Cr, Mo, etc. to improve the strength and toughness of the rail. The alloy rails in China are RE-Nb rails, RE-Cr rails and V-Ti rail, the main brands are U76RENB, U75V, U76CrRE. 3. The full-length heat-treated rail is mainly the heat treatment process of the above two rails for heating and controlling cooling of the plain rail, improving the internal structure, refining the crystal grains, and forming the pearlite structure, thereby obtaining high strength and high toughness of the rail. We are  steel  rail supplier , we

Purchase Considerations Of Railway

There are many types of  railway track fasteners , and the rails are a representative one. The selection of the rails requires special attention. What should be paid attention to? In the selection process, we must first pick a more formal manufacturer, so the quality is more secure. Because the rail is not an ordinary product, it needs absolute quality clearance, you should have the opportunity to watch the production workshop, see if the production process is strictly controlled, the material and process are regular, and then decide whether to buy this product. Optimistic about the manufacturer, then look at the finished product, whether the surface of the rail is clean and smooth, there should be no defects such as cracks, crusting, scratches, etc. the end face must not have shrinkage marks and interlayers. The extent of the defects allowed in the overall surface of the light and heavy rail and the amount of its geometry shall not exceed the standard. Regular rails should be s

How To Control The Asymmetry Of The Heavy Rail Joint?

Along with the progress of social economic growth, all kinds of steel products have captured the attention of this current market, the existence of heavy rail is that the typical steel merchandise, is the key product, which has brought great concern of the society from all walks of existence, of heavy rail joint control requirement of this phase error, want to know the following specific knowledge simple customers friend. Artificial laid  heavy steel rail , in order to decrease the number of railroad sawing, dealing with 500 m within the scope of the tool rail online for gauging, matching use, so as to prevent joint phase fault phenomenon of quantity to transcend bidding, if there's an actual construction issue, can be confirmed by the onsite technical employees, document, take railroad sawing, drilling to solve. When mechanical railing paving, the curve section adjusts the joint phase error by adjusting the internal and external railing seam, i.e., the internal rail seam decr