
目前显示的是 十月, 2023的博文

Facts About Steel Rails You Need to Know

Steel rail, also known as railway track or simply rail, is a critical component of a railway system. It is the long, narrow, and flat metal beam that trains ride on, and it provides a stable and safe surface for the wheels of the train.   Steel rail  has been used for railway tracks since the early 19th century and has undergone significant improvements in design and manufacturing over the years.   Here are some important facts about steel rail: Steel rail comes in different shapes and sizes. Steel rail is available in a range of shapes and sizes to suit different  types of railway tracks  and train systems. The most common shapes are flat-bottomed rails, which have a flat base that rests on the sleeper (also known as a tie), and bullhead rails, which have a curved base that fits into a groove in the sleeper. The size of the rail, measured by its weight per unit length, is also an important factor in determining its strength and durability.   Steel rail is ...