How To Slow The Steel Track Contact Fatigue Damage?
The Steel Track is designed to guide the wheels of the vehicle forward and withstand the enormous pressure of the wheels, which must provide a continuous, smooth and least resistant rolling surface for the wheels. In use, the rails are often subject to wear and tear, and the good rails let you know the contact fatigue damage of the rails. The rail contact fatigue damage can be roughly divided into three stages: Steel Track 1. The change of the shape of the rail tread, the unevenness of the rail tread, and the saddle-shaped wear at the weld will increase the impact of the wheel on the rail. 2. The contact fatigue of the rail joint is formed because the fatigue strength of the metal contact is insufficient. When the maximum shear stress point exceeds the shear yield limit, the point becomes a plastic region. 3. The destruction of the metal on the surface of the rail. Due to the cold work hardening of the metal, the hardness of the working surface of the rail hea...